Get Involved

Looking to make a difference in ending sexual assault 和 gender-based violence?  There is no shortage of opportunities.


The DU Health 和 Counseling Center maintains a list of 项目 that students can participate in, including annual 项目 on campus to support survivor initiatives 和 participation in the Collegiate Council for Gender Violence Topics.


Give to the CAPE Survivor Fund, a DU fund used to offset the financial burden of survivor healing.


  • The Blue Bench, an organization in Denver whose mission is to "eliminate sexual assault 和 diminish the impact it has on individuals, their loved ones 和 our community through comprehensive issue advocacy, prevention 和 care, "is consistently looking for volunteers for positions such as crisis hotline advocates, hospital advocates 和 office volunteers.
  • The DoBetter Campaign was started by student activists at the University of Denver for the purpose of creating "national change on college campuses to eliminate gender-based violence 和 support survivors in their healing journey." They seek students who can create change on all college campuses, not only at DU.
  • The Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault has opportunities for volunteers to join their Survivor Task Force, which is "a collective of empowered Colorado survivors 和 their loved ones who share their perspectives with the goal of educating the public 和 ending the stigma of addressing sexual harassment, 滥用, 和突击."
  • Violence Free Colorado seeks volunteers to help with their mission of ending relationship 滥用 by participating in committee work, internships, a survivors caucus 和 more.

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