
Confidential Crisis Resources


  • 蓝色长凳: Sexual assault hotline, along with support during the SANE Forensic Exam, individual/group therapy, 病例管理, 和 prevention/education programming.
  • 者丹佛: Relationship violence hotline, along with shelter services, 病例管理, 和 individual/group counseling option.


Health 和 咨询中心 (肝细胞癌)
肝细胞癌的使命是提供卓越的、包容的、综合的医疗保健. The 肝细胞癌 promotes student success 和 wellness through education, 宣传, 和 outreach to the 正规赌博十大平台排行 Community.




After experiencing a sexual assault, 你可以选择接受性侵犯护士审查员(SANE)的法医检查. Such an exam can be performed up to five days after an assault. 选择进行SANE法医检查并不需要您正式报告或参与执法调查.

正规赌博十大平台排行与丹佛都市区的两个项目签署了谅解备忘录(MOU),这些项目在性侵犯后提供SANE法医检查. To receive a SANE exam through either hospital, 出现在急诊室,并告诉前台你正在寻求一个理智的法医检查.

丹佛,CO 80204
Hours of Operation: 24/7

Porter Adventist Hospital
2525 S. 唐宁街
丹佛,CO 80210
Hours of Operation: 24/7

Health 和 咨询中心 Medical Services
After experiencing a sexual assault, the 肝细胞癌 能否提供免费或降低费用的咨询、治疗和检测方案. Medical staff cannot conduct evidence collection or preservation.

要安排预约或与医疗服务提供者秘密交谈,请致电: 303-871-2205


SANE Forensic Examination Overview

  • What is a SANE forensic examination?

    SANE法医检查由受过专门训练的注册护士进行. 该检查旨在为性侵犯幸存者提供知情的创伤治疗,并在幸存者选择向执法部门报告的情况下收集法医证据. Typical SANE exams last anywhere from two to six hours. If you choose to have an exam, 你有权拒绝考试的任何部分,并按照你觉得舒服的速度进行. 标准考试包括

    • A complete discussion about medical history
    • Thorough head to toe physical examination
    • 证据收集
    • Photographs of any injuries sustained during an assault
    • 正规赌博十大平台排行袭击的细节,以便更好地为证据收集和医疗提供信息
    • Treatment for possible sexually transmitted infections
    • Pregnancy prevention, if applicable
  • Preservation of Evidence


    • 避免洗澡/淋浴
    • 避免冲洗
    • 如果可以的话,不要使用洗手间(医院会在你到达后采集尿样)。
    • Avoid changing your clothes
    • 避免梳头
    • Avoid cleaning up the area where the assault occurred
    • 将被侵犯时出现的任何衣物或被褥装入牛皮纸袋,随身带到医院(牛皮纸袋可从角获得)。.

    在经历过性侵犯后,做任何被建议避免的活动都是正常的. 如果你做了这些活动中的任何一项,你仍然可以进行SANE法医检查.

  • SANE Forensic Exam Reporting Options

    在科罗拉多州, if you are an adult 和 choose to have a SANE exam, you have three reporting options:

    • 匿名报告 - You can choose to obtain a SANE forensic exam, 但当时选择不参与刑事司法程序. An anonymous report allows for evidence storage only, 和 no identifying information will be provided to law enforcement.
    • 医学报告 - You can choose to obtain a SANE forensic exam, 但当时选择不参与刑事司法程序. You do have the option to have the evidence tested. 您的姓名和其他识别信息将与执法部门共享, but no investigation will be initiated.
    • 执法报告 -您可以选择获得SANE法医检查,并选择当时也参与刑事司法程序. 你将有机会在医院见到一名执法人员.
  • SANE Forensic Exam Costs

    Survivors are not charged for the cost of the SANE forensic exam, but could incur expenses related to treatment of injuries. 角可以讨论任何财务问题或担忧.

  • SANE Forensic Exam Transportation



    • RTD schedules 和 trip planner schedules 和 routes: rtd-denver.com/app/plan
    • 全日制在校生持DU颁发的RTD通行证可免费使用此选项.

    出租车凭证 前往进行SANE法医检查的交通工具可由以下办事处提供:

    Reimbursement for Taxi or other car service:

    • 幸存者可以通过角幸存者基金申请经济援助,以支付寻求SANE考试时的交通费. 联系角: cape@brainsquad.net或 303-871-3853

    Transportation from 校园 Safety (not confidential):

    • If 校园 Safety has appropriate staffing levels, 他们可以为寻求SANE的学生提供前往丹佛健康中心或波特医院的交通服务.
    • 幸存者必须由辩护人或其他支持人员陪同.
    • This is not considered a confidential option.
  • 在健康中心做SANE检查 & 咨询中心

    In partnership with 丹佛健康, 肝细胞癌现在提供性侵犯护士检查(SANEs),可以在性侵犯发生后7天内访问. A SANE collects potential forensic evidence, conducts an overall exam for your well-being, 并提供与可能的性传播感染和/或怀孕问题相关的信息和药物. 你不需要向警察或第九条报告,以获得一个SANE.

    You can call the 肝细胞癌 to make a same-day appointment at 303-871-2205. The 肝细胞癌 is offering the exams between 8am-2pm Monday-Friday. 下午2点后,肝细胞癌可以被运送到丹佛卫生急诊部门. 如果你有正规赌博十大平台排行SANEs的问题,或者想要一个倡导者陪你, please contact a 角 advocate at cape@brainsquad.net or 303-871-3853. 

How to Help a Friend or Loved One


Resources for All Parties Involved in Allegations of Sexual Assault

The Office of Equal Opportunity & 第九条 提供信息和资源,以帮助浏览后续步骤和选项. 



保密性是指您的个人信息将受到保护,未经您的许可不会透露给他人. Limits of confidentiality exist when:

  • 对自己或他人存在明显且实质性的人身危险. 这可能包括危及生命的情况,或犯罪者危及特定他人的情况.g. 威胁).
  • 法律规定(e).g. child abuse reporting statute) or court ordered. 在这种情况下,我们会努力保护所有敏感信息.