
人力资源办公室 & 包容的社会 is proud to offer the following consulting services from our People 发展 team. 展开下面列表中的项目以了解更多信息.

  • 专业发展咨询

    我们提供高质量的咨询服务, 提供需求评估, 并与您一起设计和交付定制程序.

  • 一对一的指导

    We offer two types of one-on-one coaching — a coaching program designed to set 和 achieve specific professional objectives, 以及“及时”指导, 哪个更开放.


    The coaching program is available for staff 和 faculty who want to improve their skills, 意识, 和/或工作场所的行为. 这包括建立具体的, 主管批准的绩效目标, 是什么驱动了大部分的指导. Typical coaching 项目 involve two sessions per month for three months.


    Just-in-time coaching is available to staff 和 faculty for the purposes of working through issues or concerns, 或者只是寻求指导. This typically involves one or two sessions 和 does not require defined objectives or supervisory approval.

  • 高管培训

    Executive coaching involves building a professional relationship between a trained coach 和 a client in a leadership position, with the goal of enhancing the client's leadership or management performance 和 development. 通过调查的过程, 对话, 还有其他工具, the coach serves as a thought partner to help the client examine 和 develop decision-making 和 management abilities, 尝试新的思维方式和存在方式, 并承诺采取有助于实现客户目标的行动步骤.

  • 调解和促进对话

    Mediation is a process in which two or more individuals meet voluntarily with a neutral third-party mediator to engage in a facilitated conversation focused on addressing 和 resolving issues preventing them from effectively working together.


    一个促进的对话是一个结构化的对话, 由中立的第三方调解人主持, 冲突:两个或两个以上的参与者之间的冲突, 分歧, 或误解, or who are simply having difficulty communicating 和 working through issues together. Because these conversations serve as a first step toward 解决冲突, it is not unusual for participants to feel uncomfortable with the initial experience. 这就是为什么我们经常建议进行第二次促进对话, 以及一对一的指导, 在整个过程中.


    • Share thoughts, feelings, 和 perspectives in a private 和 safe space
    • Work toward mutual underst和ing of each other's opinions 和 beliefs
    • Identify areas of common ground 和 make decisions about how differences of opinion could be managed
    • 探索达成双方都同意的解决方案的可能性

    促进对话 不能 习惯于:

    • Resolve performance management disputes between managers 和 employees
    • 证明另一个参与者的错误
    • 不尊重或贬低其他参与者

    *While agreements can be reached, they are not central to the facilitated conversation process.


    The steps below provide a general outline of the typical mediation process.

    • 一旦各方同意参与, we will first conduct one-on-one coaching sessions in order to better underst和 the issue(s), 解释过程, 并为促进对话做好准备.
    • The facilitated conversation itself will begin with a brief review of participant expectations 和 the establishment of ground rules.
    • Participants then have the opportunity to share their concern(s) 和, 在调解人的帮助下, participate in a 对话 to reach a greater underst和ing 和 potential resolution.
    • If participants are able to reach a formal agreement, the mediator will assist in drafting it.*
    • 如果需要进一步的指导或谈话, 调解人将帮助安排未来的会议.

    *While agreements can be reached, they are not central to the facilitated conversation process.


    请求调解或简单地了解有关流程的更多信息, 联系肯·平诺克, 人力发展总监, 电话:303-871-7511或 肯.Pinnock@brainsquad.net.

  • 团队建设

    Team building is a highly customizable process for constructing 和 strengthening teams 和 workgroups. Low-impact team building is light 和 fun, helping group members get to know each other better. Medium-impact team building focuses on improving group cohesion 和 communication. 高影响力的团队建设灌输了更深层次的信任, 开放的沟通, 解决冲突, 以及小组成员之间的反馈分享.

    在安排团队建设活动之前, we prefer to do an initial team assessment in order to better customize the team building design 和 activities. We find that participants are more open to the concept of team building when they can meet the facilitator(s) beforeh和 和 have the opportunity for input.

    联系你的 人力资源合作伙伴 咨询.

  • 经理- 360

    经理- 360 is a powerful free assessment tool with an important purpose — to harness the power of multi-faceted perspectives in identifying strengths 和 weaknesses 和 developing performance among managers.

    Managers have a unique 和 often limited perspective when it comes to their employees. 经理- 360 assessments give managers the ability to gain insight into their strengths 和 potential growth areas from the people who work most closely with them (including their own managers, 同行, 和下属).

    Guided by one-on-one coaching sessions throughout the assessment process, managers use the insight they gain through feedback to develop an action plan for enhancing their managerial performance.

    了解更多信息, 点击下面的链接下载经理- 360节目指南, 或联系肯 Pinnock, 人力发展总监, 电话:303-871-7511或 肯.Pinnock@brainsquad.net.


  • 变革管理咨询

    Change management coaching 和 consulting is available to DU staff 和 faculty facing a major change in their divisions or departments. 流程变更, 系统, 技术, 人们需要这样的角色, 工作, 工作关系的结构和表现也要不同. 实现和维持持久的变革, both the change itself 和 the transition (psychological acceptance) need to be addressed to ensure success.

    To request change management consulting or simply learn more, contact your 人力资源合作伙伴.

  • 劳动力规划咨询

    Workforce planning consulting is the process of identifying the core strategy of a division or department, 并调整实现其目标所需的人才. 其结果是一个参与, 承诺, 以及产生可衡量成果和影响的生产性劳动力.

    To request workforce planning consulting or simply learn more, contact your 人力资源合作伙伴.