

  • 人图标

    Retain society memberships 和 be as active as possible in those groups.

  • 清单图标

    Consider planning 3-5 years ahead for honorific award goals. Some awards have a pre-determined length of membership as a requirement for consideration. 

  • 奖杯图标

    For department chairs, consider which internal 杜奖 might be a fit for your faculty. These will demonstrate growth 和 achievement when being nominated for external opportunities.

  • 电子邮件图标

    正规赌博十大平台排行 if you would like help in drafting a plan for your honorific goals. 



  • Update your CV 和 try to review it quarterly.
  • Consider starting with a 2 to 5-page summary written for a general review audience.
  • Provide your CV in a digital location, such as Digication.


  • Pg 1: Summary of positions, research interests, 和 education
  • 后卫2 & 3: Career summary within key categories of accomplishment
  • 后卫4 & 5: Bibliography: Your 12 (or less) key publications
    • Provide a succinct summary below each publication. 
  • Pgs 6+: Your updated CV in full


  • What does a Google search on your name reveal? 
  • Which web pages do you have editing control over?
  • How often are you keeping those up to date?

