
聘用、晋升指引 & 任期(APT)

10 + 3是一份活文件,会随着问题的出现而不断修改. Every few years, the document is updated to include the most recent slate of amendments. 在这之间的岁月里, you will need to consult the most recent APT document together with any amendments. 你可以在下面找到所有这些.

  • 当前APT文件
  • 修改:因新冠肺炎疫情延长1年
  • 修正案:教学 & 助理专业合同审查,不包括晋升审查
  • 名誉地位
  • APT修正案2022年4月

    Proposed Amendment to the “政策 和 Procedures Relating to 教师 任命、晋升, 和任期”

    (教务委员会于三月十八日一致通过, 2022年和2022年4月由董事会批准)

    This amendment applies only to faculty members in faculty series as specified below who were (1) first appointed to a faculty position during either the 2020-2021 academic year or the 2021-2022 academic year 和 (2) have a review either for reappointment 和/or promotion or for tenure 和 promotion scheduled for either the 2022-2023 academic year or a later academic year in their current appointment agreement.

    1. 教学和专业跟踪师资队伍

                A faculty member who was appointed to a faculty position in the Professorial Series in University Libraries, 教学教授系列, 临床教授系列, 实践系列教授, 或研究教授系列 for the first time during either the 2020-2021 academic year or the 2021-2022 academic year will receive a one-year extension in their employment contract if they file a notice, 以书面形式, for the one-year extension with the administrative head of their academic unit according to the following deadlines:

    A.        If the faculty member is scheduled for review for reappointment 和/or promotion during the 2022-2023 academic year, 书面通知必须在6月1日或之前提交, 2022.

    B.         If the faculty member is scheduled for review for reappointment 和/or promotion in an academic year later than 2022-2023, the written notice must be filed on or before April 1 of the year before the review is scheduled. 例如, if the review for reappointment is scheduled for the 2023-2024 academic year, 书面通知必须在2023年4月1日或之前提交.


    2.         任期内-Line教员

    A faculty member who was appointed to the 任期内-line Professorial Series without tenure for the first time during either the 2020-2021 academic year or the 2021-2022 academic years will be continued in rank for an additional year beyond the final year of the initially agreed-upon probationary period if the faculty member files a notice, 以书面形式, for the one-year extension with the administrative head of their academic unit according to the following deadlines.

    A.        If the original review for tenure 和 promotion was scheduled to be conducted during the 2022-2023 academic year, 延期通知必须在6月1日前提交, 2022.

    B.         If the original review for tenure 和 promotion was scheduled to be conducted during the 2023-2024 academic year or in a later academic year, the notice of extension must be filed by April 1 of the academic year before the review was originally scheduled. 例如, if the review for tenure 和 promotion was originally scheduled to take place during the 2023-2024 academic year, 书面通知必须在2023年4月1日或之前提交.


    (Both Motions were approved by the 教师参议院 by unanimous consent on April 22, 2022)



    纠正在措辞上的疏忽 政策 和 Procedures Relating to 教师 任命、晋升, 和 任期内 (APT), it is moved that the following changes (as marked by underlining) be made to the APT:


    F.         在特殊情况下(e.g., when a faculty member is on an approved leave of absence or family leave), the time allotted for the leave need not count as part of the tenure probationary period, depending on specific arrangements with the Dean 和 approved by the Provost. 任何变更都是在与教师协商后达成一致的.


    E.         Under special circumstances 和 at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, a tenure decision may be delayed 和 a faculty member may be continued in rank without tenure for one or two additional years beyond the final year of the agreed‑upon probationary period.  A我的变动是和教员商量后同意的.


    因为第5条的规定.5.3.F和5.5.4.E in the APT apply to tenure-line faculty but parallel provisions are not provided for faculty members in the 教学 和 Professional Track, 建议将以下章节添加到APT中


    第三节的规定.4.5 apply to those holding a faculty position in the Professorial Series in University Libraries, 教学教授系列, 临床教授系列, 实践系列教授, 或研究教授系列.

    A.        在特殊情况下(e.g., when a faculty member is on an approved leave of absence or family leave), a review for reappointment 和/or promotion may be delayed 和 a contract extended to adjust for the effect of the special circumstances, depending on specific arrangements with the Dean 和 approved by the Provost. 任何变更都是在与教师协商后达成一致的.

    B.        Under special circumstances 和 at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, a review for reappointment 和/or promotion may be delayed 和 the employment of a faculty member extended for one or two additional years beyond the final year of the faculty member’s employment contract. 任何变更都是在与教师协商后达成一致的.


教师发展的政策和程序, 工作职责分配, 以及点对点的对话

