多样性、股票, 和 包容 (DEI) Steering Committee

Impact Area: Give DEI power, authority, 和 accountability

View the DEI行动计划 for 2020-2021

建立多样性, 股本, 和包容 (DEI) steering committee that includes the 总理, 教务长, 以及单位层面的DEI领导.


A new university-wide committee will be formed 和 chaired by the vice 总理 of diversity, 股本, 和包容. Its membership would include the 总理, the 教务长 和 executive vice 总理, the Director of 平等的机会 和 第九条, 每个单元的椅子, center or institute’s DEI team 和/or the administrator from that unit responsible for DEI work. The purpose of this action item is to provide a centrally connected structure to share, 报告, 学习, 并参与共同的问题, 担忧, 政策, 和程序. It also provides an opportunity for meaningful student 和 alumni engagement in the everyday practice of diversity, 股本, 以及机构的包容性. 

The DEI Steering Committee will be constituted by January 2021 和 will meet quarterly thereafter. As one of its initial tasks, it will work to create working groups.



  • 督导委员会成立

    The DEI Steering Committee had its first gathering in January 2021 和 has started work to establish working groups.


  • DEI指导委员会成员

    Listed in alphabetical order by last name. 更新日期为2021年3月30日.

    • 莱斯利·阿尔瓦雷斯, director, Office of Teaching 和 Learning
    • 保罗•Arithi associate director, 残疾 Services Program
    • Kari烧伤, DEI committee chair, Marketing 和 Communications
    • 玛丽•克拉克 教务长 和 executive vice 总理
    • Karlton克里奇, vice 总理 of athletics 和 recreation
    • 伊丽莎白Escobedo, director of DEI, College of Arts, Humanities 和 Social Science
    • 罗莎琳Faegins, DEI committee chair, Business 和 Finance
    • 阿列克谢·弗里曼, associate dean of DEI, Sturm College of Law
    • 瑞安Gildersleeve, associate dean, Morgridge College of Education
    • 米歇尔·汉娜, associate dean of DEI, Graduate School of Social Work
    • 杰里米•哈伊弗纳 总理
    • 特拉维斯希斯, director of DEI 和 decolonization, Graduate School of Professional Psychology
    • 迈克·霍尔特,校园安全临时主任
    • Chenthu Jayach和iran, 文化中心主任
    • 南希·琼斯, ODEI研究员,大学图书馆
    • 乍得王, executive director, Center for 可持续性
    • 妮基拉丁裔, associate vice 总理 of student affairs
    • 斯科特Leutenegger, director of DEI, Ritchie School of Engineering 和 Computer Science
    • 克里斯汀高贵, DEI program manager, Korbel School of International Studies
    • 莎拉•2 interfaith chair 和 DEI representative of the 教师 Senate
    • 理查德•Rathburn ODEI会员,晋升
    • Uttiyo Raychaudhuri, vice 教务长, Office of Internationalization
    • 汤姆·罗梅罗 outgoing interim vice 总理 of diversity, 股本 和包容
    • 罗德里克玫瑰, director of diversity enrollment 和 community partnerships, Office of Admission
    • 詹姆斯Rosner, associate vice 总理, Facilities Planning 和 Management
    • 塞德里克·史密斯, Inclusive Excellence committee chair, Information Technology
    • 斯科特·范·卢, director, Learning Effectiveness Program
    • 达蒙葡萄树, 退伍军人服务处处长
    • 克里斯托弗?威特 incoming vice 总理 of diversity, 股本 和包容
    • Ellen Winiarczyk DEI committee chair, University College



    • Undergraduate student representative
    • 研究生代表
    • 人力资源代表
  • DEI Steering Committee Working Groups

    The following groups will execute the work of the DEI Steering Committee:

    • 雇员事务工作小组
    • 数据工作组
    • 教师 Affairs 和 Development Working Group
    • 机会差距工作小组
    • Reconciliation 和 Remembrance Working Group
  • DEI学生顾问委员会

    In addition to student representation on the DEI Steering Committee, 2021年春季学期, the steering committee will assemble a DEI学生顾问委员会 comprised of undergraduate 和 graduate students. The advisory board will partner with the Office of Diversity Equity 和 包容 (ODEI) to engage the five working groups of the DEI Steering Committee.




Office of the Provost 和 Executive Vice Chancellor


Office of 多样性、股票, 和 包容