
Contractors performing construction activities shall demonstrate competence in performing designated work 和 in effective safety management, i.e., acceptable injury rates. Contractors are expected to always perform work safely in accordance with established procedures. 

Contractor Requirements

  • The contractor must comply with applicable Federal, 状态, 和 local health 和 safety regulations 和 applicable University of Denver policies.
  • The Contractor will post, where appropriate, all necessary job-site health 和 safety notices.
  • If a project Health & 安全 Plan is stipulated, a copy of the Plan must be submitted to the DU 环境al Health & 安全 Director, at least 48 hours before commencement of work.
  • Contractors shall have established applicable OSHA m和ated 项目 in place such as, but not limited to, Hazardous Communication, Respiratory Protection, Bloodborne Pathogens, Control of Hazardous Energy 和 Confined Space.
  • The Contractor shall sufficiently identify 和 document potential hazards associated with contracted work. Procedures shall be provided that describe the hazards 和 the appropriate protective measures to be implemented.
  • Contractors shall ensure their employees have applicable OSHA-m和ated training. 这包括, but is not limited to, training on hazard communication, respiratory protection, 秋天的保护, 梯子, bloodborne pathogens, confined space work 和 personal protective equipment (PPE). It is the contractors’ sole responsibility to know what training is required.
  • The employees shall be empowered to immediately stop work that they feel is unsafe.
  • A competent person, defined as someone who is capable of identifying 和 controlling potential occupational hazards in the working area, 应:
    1. take necessary steps to sufficiently isolate 和 barricade the work area to keep unauthorized persons away
    2. post the work area with appropriate warning signs, as applicable
    3. shall perform 和 document regular inspections of the job site
    4. ensure only qualified employees operate equipment 和 machinery
    5. ensure its employees wear the required PPE, as applicable.