
欢迎来到DU的锁定页面. 最有可能的, you are here because you received an alert from the University, indicating that the campus or portions of the campus is in 停摆, 因为附近有威胁. This page is intended to provide additional information beyond the original message received. Remain calm 和 remember “Run, Hide, Fight” depending on what you see 和 hear. 如果你觉得不安全, secure your current location 和 try to remain indoors, 你在哪里受到最好的保护.  

Remain calm 和 remember “Run, Hide, Fight” depending on what you see 和 hear. 如果你觉得安全,请撤离. If it is not safe, secure your current location.  



的 University will continue to monitor conditions. Further updates will be provided here as they become available.

  • 威胁他人
    • In the event there is a threatening person near campus, 校园安全 may initiate a 停摆 to protect campus occupants in the event the threatening person makes their way onto campus. Since the threat is outside campus, it is generally safe to move about campus (indoors) as you would normally. 然而,重要的是: 
      • Continue to notice your surroundings at a heightened level – what do you see 和 hear? If you suspect danger, get to a room or office, lock the door, 和 close windows. If the door does not lock, try to use furniture to block the door or wedge items under the door. If in a restroom, st和 on the toilet, lock the stall, 和 remain quiet. 

      • Remain indoors 和 keep doors 和 windows locked. 

      • Remember that in 停摆 mode, no one should be allowed into a building, 和 no one should leave. Staying indoors is the safest option during 停摆.  

  • 卡的访问

    在停工期间, card access will still operate as usual, but it is important to remember – always 和 especially during a 停摆 – for each individual to use their own card to gain access to a building. Even if you recognize or know the person behind you, do not hold the door for them. This method will prevent a possible intruder from gaining easy access to a building.

锁定是 不 一个锁定

锁定和 封锁 非常不同. A 锁定是 called when the threat is far enough away from campus for building occupants to ensure safety indoors. Those outside should seek shelter inside a locked building. In 停摆, individuals may be able to move around the facility – even from room to room.  

封锁 is called when the threat is close (most likely on campus) 和 safety cannot be assured, even when inside a locked building. 在一个 锁+ (, it is necessary to seek shelter in a locked interior room, 衣橱, or other enclosed space for personal protection; run – far away from campus, as quickly as possible; or fight back against an attacker.  

While movement is allowed during 停摆, keep in mind that if the threat moves closer to campus or on campus, a 封锁 may be called, 和 it may be necessary to run, hide, or fight. 如果发生这种情况, it is important to familiarize yourself with your options – hiding in a safe, locked location; running to an off-campus location to call 911; or fighting against an attacker if that becomes your only option. 的 锁定网页 can provide additional information. 

的 following are some possible situations in which 校园安全 will activate a 停摆 instead of a 封锁

  • An intruder is inside a nearby building, such as a bank. A lockout aims to prevent the intruder from entering any DU facilities 和 causing harm or evading police.  

  • 煤气泄漏了, 化学品泄漏事件, 或附近其他有害物质, such as on the train tracks near DU. In this situation, it is likely 校园安全 will call both a 锁定和 避难所就位. This will allow normal operations to continue indoors, yet prevent propped doors 和 windows or prolonged door openings.