Testing Center


Location, Hours, and Contact Information


Driscoll Center South

Garden Level, Suite 22. Room 18


Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters

星期一至四上午八时至下午八时,星期五上午八时至下午五时. (Mountain Time)

Summer Quarter

Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Mountain Time)

Contact Us

Phone: 303-871-3034

SDS Testing Quick Links

icon of a piece of paper and a pencil

Policies and Procedures for SDS Testing

Arranging Testing Accommodations

To make a testing appointment on the Accommodate Student Portal,学生必须先把LOAA发给教授(这需要每季度做一次)。.

Watch this video to see how to send your LOAAs!

Scheduling Quizzes, Tests, and Final Exams

All requests to take quizzes, tests, midterms, 在我们考试中心的期末考试必须在报名截止日期之前完成.

Watch this video of creating a testing appointment!

Sign-Up Deadlines

  • If possible, students should request all quizzes, tests, midterms, 期末考试在每个季度开始,以避免错过报名截止日期.
  • Students must submit quiz, test, 和考试申请至少提前五(5)个日历天, Winter, and Spring quarters, 并至少提前三(3)个日历天申请夏季学期.
  • 在指定的期末考试期间安排的期末考试, 学生必须在期末考试的第一天之前至少十(10)个日历天提交申请.

Late Sign-Up Process

如果你错过了报名考试的截止日期, 您将无法在网上预约考试 Accommodate Student Portal.

  1. Please reach out the SDS Testing Center via email with the following information:
    1. Your Name
    2. Course you have an exam in
    3. Date of your exam
    4. 考试时间(必须与上课时间一致,除非有教授的书面批准)
  2. SDS测试协调员将尽合理努力审核您的延迟测试请求, but approval cannot be guaranteed.
  3. Upon approval or denial, SDS测试协调员将向学生和教授发送电子邮件确认.
  4. 如果一个学生在一个季度内多次延期申请, 学生可能会被要求与SDS工作人员会面,以审查考试报名过程.

Make-Up Exam Requests

  • 当学生因非残疾情况而错过考试时, 在考虑补考要求时,SDS将遵守教授的课程政策和程序.
  • 当学生因残疾问题错过考试时, 被批准住宿的学生应负责与教授和SDS沟通,安排补考.
  • SDS不通过SDS为没有住宿的学生安排补考.

Law School Students

Icon of scales to represent the law school.

Law School Students with Testing Accommodations

Please work with the Sturm College of Law (SCOL), Student Affairs office,与SCOL的注册主任办公室协调测试设施的实施.

How to Book a Testing Appointment

Step 1

If you prefer, you can a video of booking a testing appointment.


The accommodate portal. The schedule a quiz, test, or exam tab is selected.

Step 2

Once you have selected the “Schedule a Quiz, Test, or Final Exam” tab, scroll down and click the button that says “New Quiz, Test, or Final Exam Request.” 


Step 3

Once you have clicked the “New Quiz, Test, or Final Exam Request” button, 您将被重定向到一个带有下拉列表的页面. 从列表中选择您想要求参加考试的课程. (If you cannot find a course on this list, 仔细检查你是否已经将你的loa发给了该课程的教授).

A drop down menu with courses listed

Step 4

选择课程后,系统会提示您输入有关考试的一些详细信息. 在选择考试日期时,请确保在两个部分中选择相同的日期. 这样,你就可以确保你把考试安排在正确的日子. 您不需要更改“考试时间”部分的任何内容-保持原样!

在调度界面,在日期框中输入考试日期. 在考试选项的时间上有一个“X”,因为你应该把它们留空.

Step 5

如果你的考试是在线的,晚上的,或者期末考试,回答“是”. Otherwise, answer “No” or leave the question blank. 你不需要选择一个建筑物或一个房间-这两个都留空!

The test booking screen. 突出显示了带有单选按钮的部分,用于回答“本次考试是在线管理还是期末考试”的问题.

Step 6

将“Day Class meetings”留空,并选择“Check Availability”选项.”

The testing portal page. The checkboxes for day class meets are crossed out.

Step 7

如果您在前面的步骤中输入了正确的信息, 然后,测试室的右侧会出现一个与上课时间相同的时间段. Click on the Testing Room (or Private Room) option.  (Note – If you are signing up for a final exam, 请确保你的上课时间和上课时间一致).


Step 8

选择测试室后,将出现此弹出框. 选择考试所需的住宿(大多数学生都勾选了所有的复选框). 

如果您对考试中心有任何正规赌博十大平台排行考试的信息(如.e. 您想在其他时间服用或有其他特殊要求), 在“注意/ DSP附加信息”部分添加注释. 完成后,点击“提交请求”按钮.


Step 9

After you have completed this process, 您的请求将显示在“Pending Test Requests”列中. 经DSP学术测试协调员批准, 请求将被移动到“Approved Test Requests”列(这通常需要几天的时间).
