
Student health insurance is a mandatory requirement at the 正规赌博十大平台排行. The 正规赌博十大平台排行学生健康保险计划(SHIP) is a comprehensive student health insurance plan, available exclusively to DU students actively enrolled in an on-campus, 攻读学位课程. SHIP provides ideal coverage for most members of the DU student community, 特别是当与the结合时 健康 & 咨询费(HCF), which grants access to a wide range of services offered by the DU 健康 & 咨询中心.

SHIP福利包括较低的自付额, 750美元的网络免赔额, 网络内自付最高1500美元, 还有一个广泛的, 全国优秀供应商网络. 如果你住在正规赌博十大平台排行校园内或附近, SHIP coverage means your primary health care provider, 健康 & 咨询中心,离这里只有几步之遥.

While we recommend SHIP coverage for all students, 不需要参加这个计划, 并且可以通过提交一份 船豁免 同时提供足够的替代保险证明.


有关我们的 过渡到新的SHIP承销商 可在我们的 保险过渡2024页.


All DU students enrolled in a 攻读学位课程(except those in completely online or certificate programs*) are eligible to enroll in SHIP. 注册了一个或多个学分的学生, will be automatically enrolled in SHIP unless they submit a 船豁免 along with proof of adequate alternate coverage.

The premium is assessed each fall and spring term for students enrolled in one or more in person credit hours per quarter/semester. The premium is included on the tuition bill and covers a six-month period. The DU SHIP premium is assessed to students registered in most academic units on campus (excluding University College and programs including the 研究生 Tax, 行政工商管理硕士, 以及所有项目的持续注册). Students enrolled in these programs are required to enroll at the HCC.

*DU students in completely online or certificate programs are not eligible to enroll in SHIP or receive services at the HCC.

  • 如何参与/注册(2023-24)

    If you choose to participate in the Student 健康 保险 Program, complete the form located in MyDU.

    1. In MyDU:选择以下选项:
      • 学生资源
      • 记录及要求
      • 接受/放弃健康保险
    2. Once on 健康 and Counseling Fee Waiver page, students simply need to click the radio button to elect coverage. An email confirmation will be sent within 48 hours confirming the coverage choice.
    3. Even if students accept coverage in the Student 健康 保险 Plan, they must meet the minimum enrollment requirements. If a student accepts coverage and is enrolled for 1 or more hours the student’s acceptance will be communicated to the insurance carrier.


    If an eligible student does not submit a waiver decision by the deadline, they will be auto enrolled in the DU Student 健康 保险 Plan.

    If you have specific questions regarding the plan benefits or coverage, please contact our office at (303)-871-2205 or by email insurance@hcc.brainsquad.net

    2024 - 25日登记 will launch in Summer 2024 with same basic process for 新 underwriter (Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield).


The DU Student 健康 保险 Plan was developed specifically for DU students, and we believe it offers the best coverage available for the vast majority of our student body. Of course, like any insurance plan, it is not without its limitations. 查阅 计划概要小册子 欲知详情.

  • DU健康 & 咨询中心 is the primary care provider for the plan. This means all primary care starts at the HCC and referrals are required before seeking specialty care. If you are seen and given a referral to a specialist, the in-network deductible is $750 plus 15% up to $1,每年500美元. If you seek treatment without a referral or see an out-of-network provider, 网络外的免赔额是1美元,500加40%到7美元,每年500美元.
  • 不包括的保险范围列在小册子里.
  • 该计划不包括视力或牙科. 然而,有一个单独的牙科计划.



  • 秋季:2023年9月29日
  • 冬季:2024年1月26日*
  • 春季:2024年4月19日
  • 夏季季度:2024年7月5日*

*The winter and summer quarter enrollment periods are available to first-time, 新, 只对留学生开放. 发邮件给HCC (insurance@hcc).brainsquad.net) to receive enrollment information for the winter and summer quarters. All other students may enroll in the fall or spring quarters.


  • 秋季学期:2023年9月1日
  • 春季学期:2024年1月26日
  • 夏季学期:2024年6月14日*

*The summer semester enrollment period is available to first-time, 新, 只对留学生开放. 发邮件给HCC (insurance@hcc).brainsquad.net) to receive enrollment information for the summer semester. All other students may enroll in the fall or spring semesters.



  • Fall and Winter Quarters: September 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024
  • Spring and Summer Quarters: April 1, 2024 – August 31, 2024


  • Fall Semester: August 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023
  • Spring and Summer Semesters: January 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024


The cost to participate in the DU Student 健康 保险 Plan for the 2023–2024 academic year is $3,770, 分成两笔,每笔1美元,885, and assessed to student accounts in the fall and spring quarters. This is comparable to the cost of much more limited plans on the Colorado 保险 Exchange Marketplace. 这艘船将被评为a级 根据《正规赌博十大平台排行》制定的计划.

Payments for the DU Student 健康 保险 Plan can be made online through DUPay. Academic year registration will be verified before enrollment is processed and charges are added.


If you encounter a loss of coverage, please contact the DU 健康 & 咨询中心电话:303-871-2205或 insurance@hcc.brainsquad.net 尽快.



Once you have accepted SHIP or the waiver deadline has passed, you can create a United 健康care StudentResources account to manage your plan.
